Guest Series

Quarantine Comix Guest Series: Deniz Camp + Artyom Topilin


“MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN” by Deniz Camp and Artyom Topilin

Up-and-coming comix scribe Deniz Camp (author of Vault’s absolutely brilliant Maxwell’s Demons) teams up with Artyom Topilin to bring us an ICM guest story (à la Chris Ware) from inside a city window.

Watch one young girl try her best to cope with COVID quarantine as her internal and external lives meet, overlap, and eventually warp. Would that we could take a marker to it all.

(A special thanks to Aditya Bidikar for lettering!)

File is a PDF, 4 pages long

**50% of proceeds will be donated to BINC, in an effort to support Comics Shops contending with the financial hardships of COVID-19 closures etc.

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